SDK for Ruby
Example Usage
This is a short example:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'dydra' Dydra.setup!(:user => 'me', :pass => 'password') # ...or use: #Dydra.setup!(:token => 'my_token') repository = Dydra::Repository.create!('foaf') repository.import("") results = repository.query("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", :parsed) puts results.first.each_name.to_a.join(" "*25) results.each do |binding| puts binding.s + " " + binding.p + " " + binding.o end
To install the Dydra gem, execute the following in your shell:
$ gem install dydra
To uninstall the Dydra gem, execute the following in your shell:
$ gem uninstall dydra
Using with Bundler
Place the following in your Gemfile
to use the development version of the
Dydra gem in your Rails project with Bundler.
gem 'dydra', :git => 'git://'
Source Code
The Dydra SDK is free and unencumbered public domain software.